Mental Health

Why Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals Leads to a Guilt-Free 2019 

January 1, 2019

Planning a Happy New Year with Day Designer

Why Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals Leads to a Guilt-Free 2019

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

Happy New Year, everyone! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Or chosen a ‘Word of the Year’?

Yeah, me neither. It’s ok. 

What I have done instead, thanks to Day Designer, is reflect on MY VALUES.

Values, or a person’s principles or standards of behavior, and idea of what’s important in life, are important to consider before making your goals. 


Because the truth is goals – or the object of a your ambition is a concrete, desired result. There’s no room for life to happen. Goals automatically can set you up to either succeed or fail. Focusing, instead, on YOUR VALUES, helps you accomplish goals, plus more that are in line with WHO YOU REALLY are at your core. Focusing on your values first lets you keep walking, even if you fall or fail, and pushes you in the right direction when you feel lost, become unmotivated, or want to switch gears without doubt. When you only focus on specific goals you set yourself to miss out on what you might have learned or experienced otherwise if you had instead focused on your values first.

So what are YOU all about? Here’s a list of VALUES that might represent you! 

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

List provided courtesy of Management 3.0

Now, it’s still good to set goals, course. But create open goals that embody your values.

Here’s an example: 

Goal: Lose Weight.


Value: Health, Family, Friendship, Persistence.

—> Which might then lead you to a larger intention that allows you to accomplish this goal PLUS MORE.

Example: Staying true to my values, I will sign up for a community-based gym that allows me to meet new people, keeps me motivated, and help me achieve a weight my doctor recommends so I can enjoy my family vacations at the beach!

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

One of my values is LOVE. Everything I do, and plan for in my daily planner from Day Designer, helps me focus on and accomplish loving others. My value of LOVE helps me focus on WHY I am doing what I’m doing. It gives me a vision for which way to go when I start to wonder if I am on the right track.

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

No need to amass guilt this year. 2019 was made for you to be true to your real self – not ASPIRE to be a new, different you. You are enough. Be true to that. 

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

Teaspressa, the perfect place to start the new year.

Focusing on Your Values BEFORE Goals

Love is my value. So pizza is how I give that love to the hubs.

For my exact planner shop HERE. And more of what I use, and wear, to set my goals, check out these items HERE and HERE! These stickers are currently over 50% off! You can also shop below!

I’d love to hear some of your values and how YOU want to stay true to them this year! Share below!

Much Love,

Meg xo

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