How Teamwork Makes All Her Dreams Work
Magic Happens When Women Unite
We all wake up in the morning with big dreams in our little hearts. Accomplishing all of those dreams can sometimes feel like “just too much work.” But you know what they say, “many hands make light work.” In the past year or so, I’ve learned a few important lessons I don’t think I could ever have, if I had not supported my local girl gang. Very special things happen when you decide to meet up with other girls, and promote each of their talents and strengths. I’m sharing that magic here with you in hopes that you’ll benefit too!
1. Supporting Your Local Girl Gang Helps You Discover What Y-O-U Are All About
When you support your local girl gang, you discover the incredible strength and determination within your own community. You become aware of the causes, the goals, the struggle each woman in your village is putting forth each day, and you begin to wonder, “What do I, myself, stand for? What kind of message matters to me, and how can I share me with the world for the good of others?” (*If in the case, you lean the opposite direction, and get to feel overwhelmed by the women around you who are doing well, and you begin to feel stuck – fret not. Stick around a little longer. We ALL have a special purpose to give to this big ol’ world.)

All Photos by Shelby Bell Photography
2. Supporting Your Local Girl Gang REQUIRES Your Participation
Listen, we can’t let life go idly by and hope all our dreams become a reality – all the visions of what we want for ourselves, our family, our future family, and our community aren’t just going to magically appear after you’ve spent years whining, waiting, and wishing. You HAVE to get involved, and share that miraculous brainy personality you’ve got. Participating in the events, content, and mission of the ladies you love, kicks that nasty habit that even I fall prey to every now and again – COMPLAINING. Yes, complaining will kill your hope faster than you can say “exfoliation.” You have to get your hands dirty, and doing the local work for you and for her smooths out your rough edges, and will create a humility within you that you can’t buy at Sephora – or, even, on Amazon!
3. Supporting the Woman in Your World, Fuels Your Creativity
Owning a business, being a mom, and/or working your 9-5 is all an art form. Don’t ever forget that your work, even as mundane as you may feel in it, matters. Gathering, sharing ideas, hearing and helping other women in your arena forces you to listen and opens your eyes to things like: 1) pitfalls to be aware of for your business, 2) situations to avoid as a working woman, 3) how to get help in the future. When others rub off on you, it ALSO gives you material YOU can actually WORK with. Working with others makes you a better worker because you’ll know what it means to do things well, THEN make things better. Creativity will abound, you’ll develop your problem solving skills with less fear of the “I’m not sure how”-factor and you’ll learn to own what you’ve got and know how to get what you’re not.
4. Supporting the Ladies Makes the Work Worth It
The truth is work is plentiful in this life, and hope can be hard to come by. When you surround yourself with women in your community on a weekly basis you begin to cultivate that tiny muscle in your heart that produces hope. Hope is that thing that helps us keep going when we want to give up, give in, or just go home. Working to create a happy marriage, raise good kids, make it to your Monday meetings takes grit. The longer you work through the tough stuff, the better your endurance. Plus, staying connected to a group of women you care about and who care about you – well, let’s just say you’ll have a handful of people who won’t let you “give up” unless it’s for a good cause.
5. Supporting Local Ladies Will Make You a Better Friend
We all want connection in this life. When you begin to invest in others, you force yourself to learn and believe that supporting others takes nothing from you, but gives you everything. Plus, time spent helping other women will give you motivation and purpose for when you have to jump your next hurdle. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a task? Sat there, (maybe cried), phoned a friend, talked for however long, then kicked yourself in the behind and got back to work? Yeah, exactly. Two things happened there – 1) your friend exercised her awesome-friend muscle, and 2) you indirectly learned how to support the next girl who might call you!
Supporting your local girl gang doesn’t just mean buying people’s stuff (although that’s a part of it, for sure), or hitting like on Intagram (which again is a piece to another whole). Supporting your local girl gang means loving the women you live amongst and letting their passion fuel your own purpose. It means letting other shining stars spark you to contribute in ways you could not have if you lived like a lone ranger.
And on that note, please visit my bubbly friend, Paloma, over at Glitter Glucose! She is a shining example of what it means to live with a chronic illness in the most positive and hopefully way a girl can! Buying her gear means your supporting girls – young and old – live life without fear as they battle Type 1 Diabetes.
For more inspo on how you can support others in your community in a variety of ways visit my previous posts HERE and HERE.
Now go find your girl gang!
Ready? BREAK!
M xo